
Each young person is assigned a School Key Worker who will greet them to start their school day. The initial 15 minutes allows for the register to be taken and for an initial Mindful Time activity to be completed. Students also complete their own visual timetable for the day and can spend time discussing any concerns with their Key Worker.
The Key Worker is also responsible for ensuring that each student plans for and receives their allotted Golden Time and that any requested activities can be facilitated at the end of the school day.

Mindful Time
The Beeches Independent School implements Mindful Time at three points in the school day to accommodate the sensory needs of each of our students. The content of the session is designed to: stimulate the brain, concentrate the brain or relax the brain.
Staff members provide the students with a range of activities to appeal to their sensory needs, either as part of a routine sensory diet or on a more ad hoc basis. Students use a range of sensory equipment within Mindful Time and the objective is to ensure that our students are well-prepared and ready for their learning in scheduled lesson times.

To accommodate the needs of our learners, and to avoid overcrowding of our dining areas, students are split into two groups for their lunch time. Students eat their packed lunches with teaching staff and are able to use the garden and available resources to play with their peers. Staff encourage students to complete an activity when they have eaten which allows for social interaction.

The final session of our school day is given over to learning which will further enhance the curriculum. During the week, students may participate in assembly, PE, library visits and travel training, sensory sessions or a specific need e.g., hydrotherapy. Each Friday afternoon is our Trips, Visits and Activities afternoon where students encounter new places and experiences, have visiting speakers or complete fun but educational activities in the school, working with their peers. Where possible, students will have a choice of their Enrichment activities and these will accommodate hobbies or interests in a more formal setting.

Golden Time
Students achieve up to 3 minutes reward time per lesson as a result of good behaviour for learning. The total minutes, to a maximum of 15, is then transferred to ‘Golden Time’ where students can choose an activity they are interested in. These activities can include, but are not limited to: board games, computer time, walking, trampoline, use of the garden, sensory play and dancing.
Students achieving the full 15 minutes of ‘Golden Time’ are also awarded a green token for their reward tube as a recognition for exemplary behaviour for learning.